chain of responsibility in C++

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Handler {
  virtual Handler *SetNext(Handler *handler) = 0;
  virtual string Handle(std::string request) = 0;

class AbstractHandler : public Handler {
  Handler *next_handler_;

  AbstractHandler() : next_handler_(nullptr) { }
  Handler *SetNext(Handler *handler) override {
    this->next_handler_ = handler;
    return handler;
  std::string Handle(std::string request) override {
    if (this->next_handler_) {
      return this->next_handler_->Handle(request);
    return {};

class MonkeyHandler : public AbstractHandler {
  std::string Handle(std::string request) override {
    if (request == "Banana") {
      return "Monkey: I'll eat the " + request + ".\n";
    } else {
      return AbstractHandler::Handle(request);

class SquirrelHandler : public AbstractHandler {
  std::string Handle(std::string request) override {
    if (request == "Nut") {
      return "Squirrel: I'll eat the " + request + ".\n";
    } else {
      return AbstractHandler::Handle(request);

void ClientCode(Handler &handler) {
  std::vector<std::string> food = {"Nut", "Banana", "Cup of coffee"};
  for (const std::string &f : food) {
    cout << "Client: Who wants a " << f << "?\n";
    const std::string result = handler.Handle(f);
    if (!result.empty()) {
      cout << "  " << result;
    } else {
      cout << "  " << f << " was left untouched.\n";

int main() {
  MonkeyHandler *monkey = new MonkeyHandler;
  SquirrelHandler *squirrel = new SquirrelHandler;


  delete monkey;
  delete squirrel;
  return 0;

/* Output:
Client: Who wants a Nut?
  Squirrel: I'll eat the Nut.
Client: Who wants a Banana?
  Monkey: I'll eat the Banana.
Client: Who wants a Cup of coffee?
  Cup of coffee was left untouched.