complex in C++

In C++, there is a header called \<complex> which defines a template class double<> , which can be instantiated for float , double , and long double . This allows you to define complex numbers and do the usual arithmetic operations and some functions.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <complex>
#include <cmath>
int main()
    using namespace std::complex_literals;
    std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1);
    std::complex<double> z1 = 1i * 1i;     // imaginary unit squared
    std::cout << "i * i = " << z1 << '\n';
    std::complex<double> z2 = std::pow(1i, 2); // imaginary unit squared
    std::cout << "pow(i, 2) = " << z2 << '\n';
    double PI = std::acos(-1);
    std::complex<double> z3 = std::exp(1i * PI); // Euler's formula
    std::cout << "exp(i * pi) = " << z3 << '\n';
    std::complex<double> z4 = 1. + 2i, z5 = 1. - 2i; // conjugates
    std::cout << "(1+2i)*(1-2i) = " << z4*z5 << '\n';