coroutine in Kotlin

Kotlin's approach to working with asynchronous code is using coroutines, which is the idea of suspendable computations, i.e. the idea that a function can suspend its execution at some point and resume later on.
One of the benefits however of coroutines is that when it comes to the developer, writing non-blocking code is essentially the same as writing blocking code. The programming model in itself doesn't really change.
Take for instance the following code
fun postItem(item: Item) {
    launch {
        val token = preparePost()
        val post = submitPost(token, item)

suspend fun preparePost(): Token {
    // makes a request and suspends the coroutine
    return suspendCoroutine { /* ... */ } 
This code will launch a long-running operation without blocking the main thread. The preparePost is what's called a suspendable function, thus the keyword suspend prefixing it. What this means as stated above, is that the function will execute, pause execution and resume at some point in time.
* The function signature remains exactly the same. The only difference is suspend being added to it. The return type however is the type we want to be returned.
* The code is still written as if we were writing synchronous code, top-down, without the need of any special syntax, beyond the use of a function called launch which essentially kicks-off the coroutine (covered in other tutorials).
* The programming model and APIs remain the same. We can continue to use loops, exception handling, etc. and there's no need to learn a complete set of new APIs
* It is platform independent. Whether we targeting JVM, JavaScript or any other platform, the code we write is the same. Under the covers the compiler takes care of adapting it to each platform.