declaration-site variance in C#

In C# you can use the in and out keywords on a type parameter to indicate variance:
interface IProducer<out T> // Covariant
    T produce();
interface IConsumer<in T> // Contravariant
    void consume(T t);
IProducer<B> producerOfB = /*...*/;
IProducer<A> producerOfA = producerOfB;  // now legal
// producerOfB = producerOfA;  // still illegal
IConsumer<A> consumerOfA = /*...*/;
IConsumer<B> consumerOfB = consumerOfA;  // now legal
// consumerOfA = consumerOfB;  // still illegal
This annotation style is called declaration-site variance because the type parameter is annotated where the generic type is declared.