floating-point literal in C

It is a literal that contains only floating-point values or real numbers. These real numbers contain the number of parts such as integer part, real part, exponential part, and fractional part. The floating-point literal must be specified either in decimal or in exponential form. 
* Decimal form: The decimal form must contain either decimal point, exponential part, or both. If it does not contain either of these, then the compiler will throw an error. The decimal notation can be prefixed either by '+' or '-' symbol that specifies the positive and negative numbers.
* Exponential form: The exponential form is useful when we want to represent the number, which is having a big magnitude. It contains two parts, i.e., mantissa and exponent. For example, the number is 2340000000000, and it can be expressed as 2.34e12 in an exponential form.