HTML attribute

Attributes define additional characteristics or properties of the tag such as width and height of an image. Attributes are always specified in the start tag (or opening tag) and usually consists of name/value pairs like name="value". Attribute values should always be enclosed in quotation marks.
* id Attribute: the id attribute is used to give a unique name or identifier to an element within a document. This makes it easier to select the element using CSS or JavaScript.
* class Attribute: the class attribute is also used to identify elements. But unlike id, the class attribute does not have to be unique in the document. This means you can apply the same class to multiple elements in a document.
* title Attribute: the title attribute to is used to provide advisory text about an element or its content. 
* style Attribute: the style attribute allows you to specify CSS styling rules such as color, font, border, etc. directly within the element.