integer literal

An integer literal is a sequence of digits representing an integer constant. 
It can be specified in the following four ways:
* Binary literal (base 2): It is defined as a number in which 0b or 0B is followed by digits such as 0,1. For example, 0b11, 0b0011, etc.
* Octal literal (base 8): It is defined as a number in which 0 is followed by digits between 0 to 7. For example, 012, 034, 055, etc.
* Decimal literal (base 10): It is defined by representing the digits between 0 to 9. For example, 45, 67, etc.
* Hexadecimal literal (base 16): It is defined as a number in which 0x or 0X is followed by the hexadecimal digits (i.e., digits from 0 to 9, alphabetical characters from (a-z) or (A-Z)).