
Javadoc is a documentation generator of the Java language for generating API documentation in HTML format from Java source code. 
Javadoc supports below tags:
* \@author 	A person who made significant contribution to the code. Applied only at the class, package, or overview level. Not included in Javadoc output. It’s not recommended to include this tag since authorship changes often.
* \@param 	A parameter that the method or constructor accepts. Write the description like this: \@param count Sets the number of widgets you want included.
* \@deprecated 	Lets users know the class or method is no longer used. This tag will be positioned in a prominent way in the Javadoc. Accompany it with a \@see or {@link} tag as well.
* \@return 	What the method returns.
* \@see 	Creates a see also list. Use {@link} for the content to be linked.
* {@link} 	Used to create links to other classes or methods. Example: {@link Foo#bar} links to the method bar that belongs to the class Foo. To link to the method in the same class, just include #bar.
* \@since 2.0 	The version since the feature was added.
* \@throws 	The kind of exception the method throws. Note that your code must indicate an exception thrown in order for this tag to validate. Otherwise Javadoc will produce an error. \@exception is an alternative tag.
* \@Override 	performs a check to see if the method is an override. used with interfaces and abstract classes.
* Zaps the roadrunner with the amount of volts you specify.
* <p>
* Do not exceed more than 30 volts or the zap function will backfire.
* For another way to kill a roadrunner, see the {@link Dynamite#blowDynamite()} method.
* @exception IOException if you don't enter an data type amount for the voltage
* @param voltage the number of volts you want to send into the roadrunner's body
* @see #findRoadRunner
* @see Dynamite#blowDynamite
public void zapRoadRunner(int voltage) throws IOException {
  if (voltage < 31) {
    System.out.println("Zapping roadrunner with " + voltage + " volts!!!!");
  else {
    System.out.println("Backfire!!! zapping coyote with 1,000,000 volts!!!!");