keyword in Python

keywords | meanings
--- | ---
and | This is a logical operator in python. “and” Return the first False value; if not found return the last value.
as | as keyword is used to create the alias for the module imported. i.e giving a new name to the imported module. E.g import math as mymath.
assert | This function is used for debugging purposes. Usually used to check the correctness of code. If a statement is evaluated to be true, nothing happens, but when it is false, “AssertionError” is raised. One can also print a message with the error, separated by a comma.
break | “break” is used to control the flow of the loop. The statement is used to break out of the loop and passes the control to the statement following immediately after loop.
class | class keyword is used to declare user defined classes.
continue | “continue” is also used to control the flow of code. The keyword skips the current iteration of the loop but does not end the loop.
def | def keyword is used to declare user defined functions.
del | del is used to delete a reference to an object. Any variable or list value can be deleted using del.
else | It is a control statement for decision making. False expression forces control to go in “else” statement block.
elif | It is a control statement for decision making. It is short for “else if”
except | This works together with “try” to catch exceptions.
False | This keyword is used to represent a boolean false. 
finally | No matter what is result of the “try” block, block termed “finally” is always executed.
for | This keyword is used to control flow and for looping.
from | Generally used with import, from is used to import particular functionality from the module imported.
global | This keyword is used to define a variable inside the function to be of a global scope.
if | It is a control statement for decision making. Truth expression forces control to go in “if” statement block.
in | This keyword is used to check if a container contains a value. This keyword is also used to loop through the container.
import | This statement is used to include a particular module into current program.
is | This keyword is used to test object identity, i.e to check if both the objects take the same memory location or not. 
lambda | Lambda keyword is used to make lambda functions
None | This is a special constant used to denote a null value or a void. 
non-local | This keyword works similar to the global, but rather than global, this keyword declares a variable to point to variable of outside enclosing function, in case of nested functions.
not | This logical operator inverts the truth value.  
or | This is a logical operator in python. “or” Return the first True value; if not found return the last value. 
pass | pass is the null statement in python. Nothing happens when this is encountered. This is used to prevent indentation errors and used as a placeholder.
raise | We can raise an exception explicitly with the raise keyword
return | This keyword is used to return from the function.
True | This keyword is used to represent a boolean true. 
try | This keyword is used for exception handling, used to catch the errors in the code using the keyword except. Code in “try” block is checked, if there is any type of error, except block is executed.
while | Has a similar working like “for”, used to control flow and for looping.
with |  with keyword is used to wrap the execution of block of code within methods defined by context manager. This keyword is not used much in day to day programming.
yield | This keyword is used like return statement but is used to return a generator.