method overriding in C++

Method overriding occurs when a subclass has a definition of one of the member functions of the superclass. That base function is said to be overridden. 
* The superclass method can be invoked followed by the scope resolution operator.
* A virtual method that is declared final in the superclass cannot be overridden.
* A method can be declared override to make the compiler check that it overrides a method in the superclass.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Super 
    virtual void print() { cout<<"Super::print"<<endl; }
    void show() { cout<<"Super::show"<<endl; }
    virtual void run() final { cout<<"Super::run"<<endl; }
class Sub:public Super
    void print() override { cout<<"Sub::print"<<endl; }
    void show()  { cout<<"Sub::show"<<endl; }
int main()
    Sub sub;
    Super *super = &sub;
    super->Super::print(); // Super::print
    super->print(); // Sub::print
    super->show(); // Super::show
    return 0;