software development tool in Java

The following tools and commands you can use to create and build applications:
* javac: You can use the javac tool and its options to read Java class and interface definitions and compile them into bytecode and class files.
* javap: You use the javap command to disassemble one or more class files.
* javadoc: You use the javadoc tool and its options to generate HTML pages of API documentation from Java source files.
* java: You can use the java command to launch a Java application.
* jar: You can use the jar command to create an archive for classes and resources, and to manipulate or restore individual classes or resources from an archive.
* jlink: You can use the jlink tool to assemble and optimize a set of modules and their dependencies into a custom runtime image.
* jmod: You use the jmod tool to create JMOD files and list the content of existing JMOD files.
* jdeps: You use the jdeps command to launch the Java class dependency analyzer.
* jdeprscan: You use the jdeprscan tool as a static analysis tool that scans a jar file (or some other aggregation of class files) for uses of deprecated API elements.